Sprinklers / FAQ

Sprinkler Questions

My sprinkler is leaking, what do I do?

If you have a large active leak, go to your basement and turn off the main water supply. Then call me at (913)-687-4423 and I'll walk you through what to do next. If I don't answer call again (I get many many spam calls and often don't answer unknown numbers).

If there is a small leak, let me know and I will stop by within the week to fix it. Use a bucket or cup to catch the drips if it is inside.

If your sprinkler system is within 1 year of being installed, and it is an installation or warranty problem, I will come fix it. 

If you damaged it somehow, or if it is past the 1 year warranty, I can still come fix it, but will charge accordingly. 

Our systems are designed to gravity drain to the lowest head in each zone when not running, this may sometimes seem like a leak, but is actually a very helpful function to prevent freezing in the winter. 

Driveways have lots of gravel under them to allow water to flow out from under them, after heavy rains, and lots of sprinkler operation, water tends to flow out of the low corner of the driveway, this is also often misinterpreted as a leaking sprinkler head.

How often should I run my sprinkler? How do I set up the controller?

First, watch this video to learn how to program your controller:

Hunter X2 Irrigation Controller Programming

Then, it very much depends on the weather, current state of your sod, etc. See the below irrigation schedule. At first, more water is better, but after a while, it can get soggy and swampy, so pay attention to what areas are wetter, and which are dry, and adjust run times for each zone accordingly. This is also just a recommendation, and it is all up to you, how much you want to spend on watering, and how green you want your yard to be (and how much you want to mow). 

Something on my sprinkler is broken, can you come fix it?

If your sprinkler system is within 1 year of being installed or your closing date, and it is an installation or warranty problem, I will come fix it. 

If you damaged it somehow, or if it is past the 1 year warranty, I can still come fix it, but will charge accordingly. 

Our systems are designed to gravity drain to the lowest head in each zone when not running, this may sometimes seem like a leak, but is actually a very helpful function to prevent freezing in the winter. 

A common false alarm is caused by driveways. They have lots of gravel under them which allows water to flow through like a french drain. After heavy rains, and lots of sprinkler operation, water tends to follow the gravel and flow out of the lowest corner of the driveway, which is also often misinterpreted as a leaking sprinkler head.

My sprinkler head is hitting the house/fence/needs to be adjusted.

Sorry about that! Reach out to us or your builders/supervisor and the next time we are in your area we will get it adjusted for you. Make sure to put some sort of marker by the sprinkler head that needs adjusted so we can find it if you aren't around.

You can also try it yourself if you happen to have an adjusting tool. Here is a good tutorial: 

How to adjust Hunter PGP Rotor

Do I need to winterize / blow-out my sprinkler system?

Short answer: If your backflow is inside, no. If your backflow is outside, yes.

Long answer: coming soon...

What is a backflow and what kind do I have?

Backflow preventers do what their name says; prevent water from flowing backwards. This keeps water from the sprinkler system that could be contaminated, from mixing with your house drinking water. 

We typically install a double check backflow in your basement right next to your water main shutoff. Since it it inside, there is no risk of freezing, and it doesn't need to be blown out, but does need to be turned off for the winter. See the winterizing / blow-out question for more details.

Depending on what city you live in, we may be required to put the backflow outside. This will usually be on the side of your house opposite of the driveway, towards the front corner. These backflows will be exposed to freezing temperatures and need to have the water drained from them in late fall. See the winterizing / blow-out question for more details.

What kind of sprinkler system do I have?

We use Hunter products for our systems. 

Can I get a WiFi module for my sprinkler?

Yes, they are $200, and I can provide them for you, but you'll have to set it up since it is on your WiFi. Reach out to us and we will drop one by, and can help troubleshoot any setup problems.

I recommend recording your current start times and run times before plugging in the module so you can transfer everything over. After you do that, here is a tutorial from the manufacturer on how to set it up:

X2 Irrigation Controller: Wi-Fi Setup

P.S. I have learned the hard way that once you plug in the WiFi module, it turns off all of the Pump/Master Valve settings for every zone, so they need to be turned on in the app or your sprinkler won't run. The setting is located on the app under Zones at the bottom, then set Master Valve / Pump Start to Yes.

My water bill seems very high, is that normal?

Yes, especially if you have new sod in the heat of summer, your sprinkler will be running 4 times each day.

After two weeks you should run 3 times a day.

After another two weeks you should run 2 times a day, then once a day, then every other day or less, and reduce your run times a little. Which can bring your watering amount way down.

If it seems like your bill is higher than normal after seeing this, contact us and we can see if there are some settings mixed up, or if you have a leak somewhere. 

Also, save water, don't run it more than you need to!

Landscaping Questions

How much should I water my trees and bushes?

At first, you should water them every day for a week, then once a day for a week, then every other day, etc. 

If you have a sprinkler system, that should take care of everything. Sometimes the sprinklers can't reach in certain places, so make sure to water whatever they don't reach (usually in corners by the house).

You can also over water trees, bushes, and grass, which will cause the roots to start rotting and can kill the plants. After planting, keep a close eye on everything, make sure they are getting enough water, but not too much. 

My tree/bush died, is there anything I can do? Will you replace them?

Unfortunaly, we do not guarantee any plants as they are out of our control once planted. We do our best to keep them alive and well in our nursery, plant them correctly, and water them after planting. We also try to schedule planting after our sprinkler systems are put in, and when sod goes down, so the sprinklers will do the watering for you. We also pick tougher plants so they are more likely to survive. 

It makes us sad to see dead plants, please water them!

If you want, we can replace the plant at cost, contact us and we can get it scheduled. To ensure the second one survives, I'll probably want to avoid planting anything in the summer, and will wait until later in the fall after leaves have dropped, as it is the best time to plant (cool rainy fall, plants work on their root system all winter, cool rainy spring, and the most time to establish themselves before the dreaded summer droughts and heat).

What kind of bush or tree do I have?

Send me picture of the plant in question, and I'll let you know.

When will you come do my landscape/sprinkler?

We are typically very busy, which is a blessing and a curse. We cannot start working until your yard is final graded, and once it is, we do our best to finish everything up so the sod company can lay sod before your closing date. However, we are very dependent on the weather, and this is not always possible. 

If we aren't able to finish in time, your builder will work with the mortgage company and put the estimated value of any unfinished work in escrow. Once the work is completed, the funds will come out of the escrow account, and any leftover will be returned to you. 

I want a special bush/tree, can you get me one?

As stated in the bushes section, we recommend that you use the bushes we stock. If you insist on something else, and it is suited to grow in our climate, I can get it for you if it is available in local stores. It will cost more than our standard plants, and I won't guarantee it's survival, so take extra care of it until it is established.